New Acland Mine celebrates first trainload of coal in two years

18 Oct 2023
New Acland Mine has achieved another major milestone, with the first trainload of Stage 3 coal leaving the Jondaryan Rail Loadout Facility.

The achievement comes a month after New Hope Group extracted first coal from the Queensland Government approved Stage 3mining area and follows the Oakey Coal Action Alliance’s (OCAA) decision to withdraw its stay application, providing New Hope Group with certainty to progress New Acland Mine’s Stage 3 ramp-up plan.

New Acland Mine General Manager, Dave O’Dwyer said the first trainload of Stage 3 coal is a landmark moment for the site’s 100+ workers.

“The first trainload of Stage 3 coal was 16 years in the making and saw a 42-wagontrain depart Jondaryan on Monday,” Mr O’Dwyer said.

“It was another important milestone and ratifies the sustained efforts of so many workers, landholders, business owners and community leaders, who stood beside New Hope Group as we secured the necessary Stage 3 approvals from the Queensland Government.

“Monday’s trainload of Stage 3 coal from Jondaryan to the Port of Brisbane was New Acland Mine’s first shipment of coal in more than two years.

“Stage 3 coal will be stockpiled at the Port of Brisbane before its shipped to our international clients in Asia who want our high quality, low emissions coal.”

At the peak of construction, there will be approximately 600 local workers at New Acland Mine. Throughout the life of the project, the permanent workforce will be approximately 400 full-time roles, made up of Darling Downs locals.

Unlike a lot of other mines in Queensland, New Acland Mine does not engage fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers, with more than 90% of the current workforce living within 50km of the site.

Local workers, contractors and local businesses will benefit to the tune of $1 billion over the life of the New Acland Stage 3 project.

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