Investigating hydrogen production at the Kenmore oil field

21 Oct 2022

The Bridgeport Kenmore field produces approximately 3.5ML per year of water associated with oil production. Whilst part of this water is used for stock watering under an authorised beneficial use agreement with the state and local landowners, Bridgeport is in the feasibility stage of a hydrogen generation project from this water.

A flash distillation unit (delivered and undergoing testing) driven by a solar array at Kenmore will make distilled water from the produced water and feed an electrolyser sited at Eromanga. The concept is to provide truck and aircraft refuelling capability in the Quilpie Council area by installing solar panels to power a 1MW demonstration electrolyser at Eromanga to generate hydrogen from the produced water.

As part of this project a further 4MW of power and 0.5MW of battery storage for the community and industrial users in this remote community area is being considered which can potentially reduce reliance on the national electricity grid by Eromanga residents and reduce their power costs.

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