Bengalla Mine apprentices head back to school

Bengalla proudly welcomed 11 new apprentices to the team in November.

The apprentices will complete the 18-week, Mining & Energy Skills Program at Muswellbrook TAFE as part of their apprenticeship.

Orientation Week saw the new apprentices team up with Bengalla’s current apprentices to complete a community project at St Joseph’s High School, Aberdeen, which included: 

  • Building and installing a timber rack in the woodwork room; 
  • Building a new concrete path for students; 
  • Building a fence in part of the school’s donkey’s paddock; 
  • Refurbishing some benches and pergolas; and 
  • Building a large garden bed outside one of the classrooms. 

Bengalla’s involvement in the community is important, given 89 per cent or the workforce lives locally. The community project is a fantastic opportunity for Bengalla’s apprentices to give back to the local community and to St Joseph’s, where some were students.

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