Queensland Government approves New Acland Stage 3

21 Oct 2022
New Hope Group’s 15-year mining approvals battle is over, after the Queensland Government approved New Acland Stage 3.

Yesterday, the chief executive of the Department administered by Queensland Minister for Water, GlennButcher, granted New Acland Stage 3 an Associated Water Licence.

New Hope Group CEO, Rob Bishop said the historic announcement followed extensive consultation with Darling Downs stakeholders, including the mine’s objectors.

“The Queensland Government’s decision to approve New Acland Stage 3 is a defining moment and is being celebrated by our workforce, their families, local farmers, landholders, business leaders and the local community,” Mr Bishop said.

“New Acland Stage 3 is the most reviewed and scrutinised resources project in Queensland’s history.

“The Queensland Government critically assessed the project and found it stacks up environmentally, socially and financially.

“The exhaustive process was overseen by a host of Queensland Government Ministers and countless, hardworking public servants who evaluated every aspect of the project and concluded that New Acland Stage 3 should go ahead.

“The Land Court process, the Coordinator General’s extensive consultation process, the separate independent assessments of the Queensland Department of Environment and Science and the Minister for Resources and now the thorough examination by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water has allowed everyone, including the mine’s objectors, to be heard.

“The Queensland Government’s decision to approve New Acland Stage 3 means we can now restart operations and extend employment opportunities to hundreds of local workers.

Mr Bishop said groundwater, the subject of the Associated Water Licence application, was subject to exhaustive reviews, comment and assessment by independent experts, peer reviewers, objectors, State regulators and Commonwealth agencies, in advance of, or during, the Associated Water Licence Application process.

“Groundwater is regulated by existing Water Act management area conditions and conditions established by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water, Coordinator General, the Department of Environment and Science and the Federal Minister for the Environment,” Mr Bishop said.

“These conditions enable mining to successfully co-exist with agriculture and support a broader range of commercial and employment opportunities for the community.

“It’s also essential to understand the New Acland Mine does not rely on groundwater bores for any of its mining operations.

“New Acland Mine purchases all its water requirements from the Wetalla Wastewater Reclamation Facility under an existing long term supply contract with the Toowoomba Regional Council.”

The Queensland Government’s decision to approve New Acland Stage 3 means, local workers, contractors and local businesses will benefit to the tune of $1 billion over the life of the project.

At the peak of construction, there will be approximately 600 local workers on site at New Acland Mine. Throughout the life of the project, the permanent workforce will be approximately 400 full-time roles, made up of Darling Downs locals.

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