New Acland is a multi-pit, multi-seam open-cut thermal coal mine that uses excavator/truck mining methods. We operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Unlike many other operators, we do not engage a fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workforce, with the vast majority of our people living within 50km of site in nearby Highfields, Jondaryan, Oakey and Toowoomba.

Pit to port

After washing and sorting on site, coal produced at New Acland Mine is loaded onto trains and transported to Queensland Bulk Handling, a coal export facility owned by New Hope Group located at the Port of Brisbane. It is then shipped to customers in Asia and South America. We also supply coal to domestic customers in southeast Queensland.

To reduce the potential for coal dust to come off trains, we spray a veneer onto all coal leaving the mine by train. Real-time dust and air quality monitoring is also undertaken at the Jondaryan Rail Loading Facility located near the mine, to manage impacts and meet strict government regulations.


Stage 3 of the mine was approved in 2022, allowing production to continue into the 2030s. When fully ramped-up, Stage 3 operations are expected to deliver about five million tonnes of saleable product per annum.  Throughout the life of the project, the permanent workforce will be approximately 400 full-time roles, made up of Darling Downs locals.

Key features of Stage 3 include:

  • The development of parts of the Manning Vale West and Willeroo resource areas
  • Upgrades to the existing Coal Handling and Preparation Plant
  • Infrastructure projects, including roadworks and water management structures.

Our history

Acland Coal Company begins mining at Acland Colliery No 1 in South East Queensland
Acland Colliery No 2 opens
Acland Colliery No 2 closes
New Hope Group acquires the Acland mining lease
New Acland Mine begins Stage 1 operations
Acland Pastoral Company is established
New Acland Mine begins Stage 2 operations
The Queensland Government approves New Acland Mine Stage 3
New Acland Mine begins Stage 3 operations