We work to identify and use practical and sustainable methods to minimise the impacts of our activities on the environment and community. Our operations are subject to stringent noise, air quality, land management and water management requirements as outlined in the Environmental Authority (EA) granted by the Queensland Government.

An Environmental Management System, developed with input from trusted, independent environmental experts, guides our environmental practices. We use this System to understand and improve environmental performance and share information about our environmental impacts with the local community and other stakeholders, available here.

Water management

We reduce our impact on the groundwater system by using a purpose-built 45-kilometre pipeline to transfer recycled wastewater from Toowoomba’s Wetalla Wastewater Reclamation Facility. The recycled water, purchased from Toowoomba Regional Council, is sufficient for all production activities at the New Acland site, and also services Acland Pastoral Company for crop irrigation and stock water. We also use runoff water for dust suppression and in the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant. No groundwater is used for coal production activities at New Acland.


Our progressive rehabilitation program, established in 2006, returns mined land to agricultural and conservation uses, contributing to the region’s agribusiness industry.

We collect and stockpile topsoil before mining in a new area. Once an area is mined, it is rehabilitated by preparing the final landform and spreading the stockpiled topsoil to commence rehabilitation. This practice maintains topsoil quality and the presence of native seed banks.

In 2018, 349 hectares was formally certified by the Queensland Government as progressively rehabilitated mined land – the largest area of land from an open-cut coal mine to have been certified up until that time. Additionally, a five-year, independent cattle grazing trial found the rehabilitated mining land to be as productive, if not more so, than non-mined land. 

For detail on rehabilitation undertaken each year, see our Annual Reports.

Noise management

Noise related to our operations can impact our neighbours, and we have a range of measures to manage and reduce these impacts. We maintain offsite noise monitoring equipment that provides real time data, allowing our dedicated 24/7 team to adjust operations if required. In addition, all of our heavy equipment is noise attenuated, to limit noise impacts.

Our real-time noise monitoring data is available here.

24 hour hotline

For matters requiring immediate attention, please call our 24 hour hotline on 1800 882 142.